Luffa Privacy Policy

Effective Date: November 17, 2023

This Luffa Privacy Policy is intended to explain in detail how the Luffa application processes personal data. If you use our application, this Luffa Privacy Policy applies to you.

1. Who We Are

In this Luffa Privacy Policy, when we refer to "Luffa" or "we," it refers to Luffa Technology Network Company Limited, a UK company with a registered office in Cardiff.

2. Collection and Processing of Personal Data

The Luffa application does not actively collect or process any of your personal information. We are committed to maintaining your privacy and make the following commitments:

2.1 Collection and Processing of Personal Data

To provide push notification services, the application may collect the token of each device and your public key. Additionally, Google and Apple may use telemetry built into their operating systems to store information about how you use the application. This information may include application start and shutdown times, duration of use, crash logs, and device model, etc. Please note, this information may be associated with your Google or Apple account. This is standard behavior of mobile operating systems and applies to all applications used on your device.

2.2 Account Data

Your account data, including mnemonic phrases, private keys, PIN codes, and secrets, are stored locally on the device only when necessary for Luffa's functions and performance. These data are protected by strict confidentiality measures and are inaccessible to other applications (on non-rooted or non-jailbroken devices). You can delete these data by clearing Luffa's local storage or uninstalling the application.

2.3 Third-Party Links

Within the app, you may encounter links to third-party websites. These third-party websites have their own privacy policies and data processing methods. Therefore, we are not responsible for the content and activities of these linked websites.

3. Data Security Measures

Luffa takes data security very seriously and has implemented a series of measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse. These measures include but are not limited to:

Data Encryption: We use advanced encryption technology (End-to-End Encryption) to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information during data transmission and storage.

4. Handling of Chat Information

Chat content conducted in the Luffa application is stored only on your device and the device of the person you are chatting with. These messages are encrypted with symmetric and asymmetric encryption using your personal stored mnemonic phrase during transmission and storage, ensuring the highest level of privacy and security.

5. Security Backup

To ensure the security of your account, we strongly recommend that you safely store your mnemonic phrase and PIN code. If you forget your PIN code, you can reset it using your mnemonic phrase. Please note that if you lose your mnemonic phrase, we will be unable to help you recover your account.

6. Modifications to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify or replace this Luffa Privacy Policy at any time. Please regularly check our privacy policy for changes. In any case, your continued use of the application signifies your acceptance of the modified Privacy Policy and/or Terms of Use.